
章俊华作品 | 有节制的丰盛——千里园

品牌推广部 源树设计 2023-09-17


这是一个约 66 ㎡ 的住宅中庭,建筑是 3 面围合,西南为 1.8 m 高的护栏,由于东南侧为坡地,实际一层建筑只高出中庭 60 cm。形成一处日照充足视野开阔的凹形围合中庭。

由于业主要求尽可能的利用原有自家小院内的材料控制成本,又需要在园中有一处户外休闲的停留场所。实际上这处住宅的室外大体可分为 4 个部分,入户区,中庭,坪庭(只能观赏的约 2.75 ㎡ 的小庭园)和南侧的家庭菜园。入户处除可以停 2 辆车外,其余部分留出一处长约 20 m 的通道,只在地面铺装与西北侧墙体处留出 15 cm 的碎石带,选用纯白色的粒石缓冲硬质面的量,并在入户靠近建筑的端头,种植了一棵丛生四照花作为入户区的绿色添景,只有 2.75 ㎡ 大的观赏坪庭作为从卫生间的 2 条 15 cm 宽的落地窗和浴室的西北侧的窗景,这里没有严格的按照枯山水的做法设计,而是减化了地面的纹样,并利用原自家小院仅有的 1 处石灯笼和瓦,组合成简约日式坪庭。

首先在起居室及卧室的最长透视线的端头设置了一处长近 5 m,宽约 3.5 m 的平台,一边平行于东西向,呈近大远小的梯形,在西南角上种植了一棵形体轻巧的丛生小乔木日本白腊,成为中庭中唯一一棵孤植树,树池做成异形隆起状,铺满常绿的短叶麦冬,此处平台可供 7、8 人同时停留。其余的部分自然散置着 50 cm X 50 cm 和 30 cm X 30 cm 的花岗岩石板,既承担了园内动线的功能,又组合构成中庭空间的风格,3 条亚光釉瓦带规整了略显无序的空间。全园满铺的碎石整合了分布凌乱的元素,深灰色的平台彰显中庭厚重的氛围,与丛生日本白腊形成了中庭的主景,亚光釉瓦带洋溢着“庭”的传统品位,碎石衬托下自然散置的石板构筑了时空的秩序,设计力求中庭的每一种材料都具备明确的形体,当然也包括植裁。在这里设计遵循:简而不贫、锐而不利、润而不顿、丽而不艳、华而不奢——有节制的丰盛。

Rich in Abstention——Qianli Garden

In this project, a residence has been designed and constructed incorporating a 66 square metre atrium. The building has been designed as a three sided enclosure with a 1.8 metre fence at the southwest perimeter and a sloped area to the southeast which is 60cm higher than the ground floor area of the residence. Considering the design of the building, a concave atrium has been formed allowing sufficient sunlight to enter and with a panoramic view of the outside.

A trapezoidal platform 5 metres long and 3.5 wide has been erected running parallel and in an east-west direction and centred on the endpoint of the perspective line of the living room and the bedroom. This area can meet the needs of up to 8 people in this outer space.

Within the atrium stands a solitary tree, a light and compact Japanese ash which has been planted in a tree pool made with a convex surrounding bed and covered with a creeping lilyturf. The rest of the surrounding area consists of naturally scattered 50x50cm and 30x30cm granite slabs giving the atrium not only the emphasis of moving lines but also forming a basic style for the entire atrium. This slightly chaotic space is further standardised by three lines of matt glazed tiles.

Basically the garden area integrates cluttered elements.... the dark grey platform with the compact Japanese ash gives the atrium a dignified atmosphere and forms the main part of the scenery for the whole area. Lines of matt glazed tiles represent the original flavour of a “traditional garden” whilst the naturally scattered stone slabs on the rubble constitutes the order of time and space.All of the materials including plants were required to have defined shapes.

In conclusion, the project has followed basic principles from beginning to end and that is: simple but not poor, keen but not sharp, smooth but not dull, homeliness but not showy, rich but not luxurious or to sum up in three words...”rich in abstention”.


▲ 构造图

▲ 竣工图片

项目名称   千里园(日本)
项目地质   日本千叶县松户市稔台
用地面积   66 ㎡
建筑设计   铃木弘树 一空建筑
景观设计   章 俊 华  R-land源树
设计时间   2016 年 12 月
竣工时间   2017 年 12 月
施       工   平井建设(株)
英文校译   琳赛·洛特(Lindsay Rutter)、苏畅


